Rules for E-Bikes in the The Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area

NPS Rules

Section 4.30 - BICYCLES

Link to NPS Site - E-Bike Rules

36 CFR 4.30 Bicycles

Bicycles and electric bicycles are allowed on park roads and in parking areas that are open to motor vehicle use by the public; and on the following administrative roads and trails:

State Park Rules

State Park Rules for E-Bikes
E-bike use in park units: If you have further questions regarding e-bike use in the California State Park System, please email [i] Public roadways are those roads open to public street legal vehicles use. [ii] Nonpublic, controlled-access roads are roads not open to vehicle use by the public but are occasionally driven by authorized vehicles for administrative or emergency purposes, and are typically open for public trail use. Typically referred to as fire roads, these roads are often gated to prevent vehicle access by the public.
Ebike Overview Ebike Classes